Embark on a journey through Kiswahili action verbs with these essential commands. Lets learn...
Author - Mandela
Daily words-Maneno ya kila siku(Practice)
Dear Kiswahili lovers. We will learn some kiswahili words that are common every day in our...
Dear Kiswahili lovers. We will learn how to count and pronounce numbers in the beautiful Kiswahili...
There is/are-Kuna(Practice)
Dear learners! The choice between the phrases there is and there are at the beginning of a sentence...
I want-Ninataka(Practice)
Want is to have a desire to possess or do something wish for. Example I want your money...
Months of the Year- Miezi ya Mwaka(Practice)
Dear learners! We are learning how to pronounce the names of the months in Kiswahili language...
Days of the week-Siku za Juma(Practice)
Dear learners! Usually in a calendar the days of the week are seven. I would like us to learn...
Uncountable things-Vitu visivyohesabika(Practice)
Uncountable things are (nouns) can not be counted, Example water, dust etc. Let’s learn...
Countable things-Vitu vinavyohesabika(Practice)
Countable things are (nouns) can be counted, Example trees, people etc. Let’s learn...
Domestis animals-Wanyama wa nyumbani(Practice)
Dear learners! this are the most famous domestic animals found in our homes. Here we learn how to...