Understanding Swahili Grammar
Pronouns & Noun classes relationships
Let’s continue with the basic pronouns for making Swahili sentences
Singular. Plural
1. Huyu Hawa
2. Hii Hizi
3. Hiki. Hivi
4. Huu. Hii
5. Hili. Haya.
“Hili” which again means “this”, is used for things whose nouns’ plurality start with “ma”. But this doesn’t include living organisms remember. It’s plural is “Haya” which means “These”.
Let see some examples of those nouns; both in singular and plural.
Singular. Plural
1 Gari. Magari
Hili ni gari = This is a car.
Haya ni magari = These are cars.
2. Jeshi. Majeshi
Hili ni jeshi = This is an army.
Haya ni majeshi = These are the armies
3. Dirisha. Madirisha
Hili ni dirisha = This is a window.
Haya ni madirisha = These are the windows.
Which of the following nouns classes fall in the “hili-haya” group ? You can go further and make sentences with what you think is correct
Singular. Plural.
1. Daktari. Madaktari
Daktari = Doctor
2. Kovu. Makovu
Kovu = Scar
3. Sanduku. Masanduku.
4. Balozi. Mabalozi
Balozi = Ambassador
5. Tajiri. Matajiri.
Tajiri = Rich man/woman.
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