Good life (maisha bora) is a life of luxury, pleasure, and material comfort. To have this good...
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Nouns (Nomino) a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or...
Verb [Kitenzi] is aword used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part...
Kiswahili is the most important and widely studied indigenous language of Africa, the National and...
Plural nouns-Nomino za wingi(Practice)
A plural noun is a noun that refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Most singular...
In short Globalization (Utandawazi) is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made...
Common words-Maneno ya kawaida(Practice)
These are some common words in the Kiswahili speaking community. They are very simple but heavy...
Angry phrases-Kauli za hasira(Practice)
There are common angry phrases that are heard in various places, especially at homes, at work, or...
Discouraging phrases-Maneno mabaya(Practice)
Discourage (Maneno mabaya) is to make another person sad and lack the enthusiasm to continue what...
Encourage phrases-Maneno ya faraja(Practice)
Encourage is to make another person happy or eager to continue what he/she is doing. We will learn...
Vocabularies-Misamiati( Practice)
Police- Polisi Policy- Sera Parrot- Kasuku Pilot- Rubani Week- Wiki Weak- Dhaifu Spot- Doa Sport...
Questions words-Maneno ya maswali(Practice)
Who- Nani? Where- Wapi? What- Nini? Why- Kwanini? When- Lini? How- Kivipi? photo ©unsplash